Dramatherapy Network
News Update October 2004 from Rowan Studio
These News Updates have been very intermittent over the last two years and looking back I realised what a dramatic statement I had made! I was giving up all dramatherapy and related work in 2002 - well - here I am still 'in the field' A little more understanding, new challenges and opportunities. Still very much the dramatherapist but perhaps a new lens to my glasses: trying to integrate a 'nature' and 'theatre' centred way of working rather than the hierarchy of the 'person' centered model.
Dramatherapy Training
The Dramatherapy training courses at York and Hertfordshire have closed - I was instrumental in setting up both of them back in the '70s - I do have to acknowledge their passing with some sadness. However the Institute of Dramatherapy training which became the post-graduate diploma and now MA at University of Roehampton is vigorous and innovative. Steve Mitchell has sadly retired as director, and Ditty Dockter is the new course convenor. Ditty brings a wealth of experience from her many years at Hertfordshire and extensive research in cross-cultural dramatherapy to her new post. The Sesame course at Central School continues to flourish and is now the oldest established Drama and Movement in therapy training, together with the Exeter University Dramatherapy MA, (formally at Torquay). Roehampton, Sesame, Exeter and Manchester are the four accredited and approved dramatherapy training courses in the UK. We will be carrying more information on these courses on this site.
Dramatherapy Short Courses
Courses are run by Rowan Studio in Glastonbury and may be booked for other organisations. Topics 2004/2005 include: working with abuse, listening to children's stories, emotional literacy, re-staging your life, masks and puppets in dramatherapy and play therapy.
Book Launch, GODDESSES: Ancient Wisdom for Times of Change.
A new book by Sue Jennings and published by Hay House, November 2004. Stories and pictures from over 7- goddesses. Superb paintings by Sarah Young. Ideas for workshops, reflections, dance and play. Price £11.99
This innovative book will be launched on 4 December 1100-1200 at The Rural Life Museum, Bere Lane, Glastonbury, wine, soft drinks and food. All welcome but please reserve a place as number will be limited because of space.
Workshop: 4 December 1230-1630 at the Rural Life Museum. Creative Storytelling for ourselves and others. Fee £25 to include free signed copy of Sue's new Goddess story book.
SPRING SCHOOL 2005 The Healing Tree 1-3 April
- Friday: 1000-1700, Saturday 1000-1700, (social evening 1900-2200), Sunday 1100-1600
- Personal growth and professional development through Interactive Story Telling (IST) and Dramatherapy. We shall create masks and puppets and explore ancient stories that have resonance in our lives now. The Glastonbury landscape creates a mystical ambiance for healing stories and metaphors. Fee £210 (including social evening on Saturday)
- Venue: The Growing Needs Bookshop, Magdalene Street, Glastonbury (opposite the Abbey Gateway), social evening at Glastonbury.
- Accommodation: Glastonbury Tourist Information Centre 01458 832954 glastonburytic@ukonline.co.uk
SUMMER SCHOOL IN ROMANIA August 2005 - see announcement and questionaire on www.suejennings.com
Booking and purchase information: you may reserve workshop place and purchase books and videos with PayPal at drsue@suejennings.com or send cheque payable to Rowan Studio to: Rowan Studio, PO Box 3567m Glastonbury, BA6 8ZR
News Headlines:
- Switzerland is setting up its own Dramatherapay Association contact Bridget Spoerri
- The Israeli Government Education Department has decide to recognise the Dramatherapy Training at Tel Hai College, Kyriat Shmona as the only 'official' course to train dramatherapists in Israel.
- Romanian Government officials are meeting with IMPART to look at training for arts and play therapists. Rowan Romania, Muzika and Music as Therapy are amongst the organisations asked to contribute to the discussions. Currently there is one umbrella 'Alternative Therapies' under which the arts and play sit a little uneasily!
- I still get inquiries from South Africa for Dramatherapy Training - who is going to start it?
- Rowan Romania would like to hear from dramatherapists and play therapists willing to collaborate on their training programme in Transylvania. It involves the training of social assistants in creative groupwork techniques and promoting drama with people with special needs.
All for now Sue Jennings October 2004

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